Sunday, September 2, 2007

Eight meeting...

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:

a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

a. There is a lot of challenges that comes to me and there's a lot more to come. I don't know when but I know that it will come but I'm, somehow, ready to face all of this.

b. Sometimes I beat all of those challenges but sometimes I'm failed to accomplish all of that.
Whenever I fail to accomplish all challenges that comes to me, I just ignore my failures and try to reflect on the positive things that happen to me.

c. It serves as a lesson that helps me to do things better. I don't see them as a failure but I apply the things on what I have learned from my mistakes.

Seventh meeting...

Self -evaluation
Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

- I think that I am physically healthy, that's what I think. The nurses that examined my health doesn't give any negative opinion about my health. Maybe, I am physically healthy but not mentally, I guess. hehehe

- I'm really aware of my health because it really affects my studies. I don't smoke, I don't drink alcoholic beverages, etc. because all this elements are really affecting my way of living. I think that there is nothing wrong of avoiding all of this activities and in the same time it's good for my health.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

6th meeting...

A. What challenge did you take?
I challenge myself to do my homework in all my subject.
B. Were you able to beat the challenge?
How do you feel about it?
Yes! I feel so overwhelm and I'm so glad because it helps a bit to improve my grades.
C. What have you realized / learned from your experience?
I have realized that you can do something if you believe in yourself and trust God.
The Most striking scene in the movie :
The slides which are the effects of the Global warming.
Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie :
I become aware of using gadgets or appliances that uses CFC or ChloroFluoroCarbon.
Your realization after watching the movie :
I realized that the results that was caused by the Global warming is worldwide.
The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment :
The specific actions that I can commit to take care of the environment are change a light bulb into a fluorescent light; drive less; recycle more and buy more recycled; checking my tires; using less hot water; avoiding products with a lot of packaging; adjusting our thermostat; planting a tree; and by turn off electrical device when not in use.

5th meeting...

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished."
The most challenging I have ever accomplished is to overcome all my fears.
I know it's really hard to do, so I think this is one of my greatest achievement.
This requirs trust in yourself, believe in what you can do, and stop telling yourself that you can't do all those things.
Challenge yourself and do those things not because it is a requirment but you must do it with excellence.
In that way, you can prove to yourself that you can face anything even your fears.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Forth meeting...

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?
- I realized that I am really into pursuing my dreams at any cost. I am inspired to do the right things as in having "virtues" most probably because of my children and their future. I wanted to attain all my goals for them and secondarily for my parents and siblings too.
2. The Golden Rule says, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

- when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;I want the people around me to be considerate enough to accept the fact that I'm not perfect all the time.
- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;I want the people around me to analyze my work first before going to a conclusion whether it's a good or a bad remark.
- when you commit mistake;I want the people around me to fully understand that I'm just a human; flesh and blood, born to make mistake.

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect what can you commit to yourself in terms of dealing with the MCL commmunity: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

- I will respect the fact that all the people in the MCL community are just like me, I will treat them with respect as I wanted them to treat me in return.

Third meeting...

What were your feelings / emotions during the events?

- I was very happy and I have a really great night. I saw on that event was full of talented performers. I was very happy and I have a really great night that I even lost my voice.

Second meeting...

1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

- It was very quiet because I don't really talk to my classmates.
All of them are really confused to me because they can't visualized my attitude.

2. How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates? How do you find your courses? What sort of adjustment you still have to meet in terms of your academics, emotions and social involvement?

- They always say that I should talk more often. They always ask what is my problem but I always say to them that everything is fine.